
Purpose of Establishment


The Korea Research Institute on Climate Change (KRIC) is an organization established to conduct mid-to-long-term climate change mitigation strategies through systematic R&BD on global climate change, and to conduct research on clean energy development and international climate change response research.

In addition to basic research and analysis of climate change related statistics and indicators as well as estimation and verification of GHG emissions, the researcher has conducted research on the mid and long term development plan for climate change response, We are carrying out projects related to greenhouse gas reduction such as commissioned research projects from local and central governments and companies, carbon emission rights, and CDM.

In addition, we will continue to play a leading role in domestic and international climate change issues through networking with industry, academia and research, joint research projects, climate change related forums, and conferences (symposiums and seminars).
Your kind support will be very appreciated.

Major business contents

  • Establishment of medium and long-term development plan related to climate change
  • Verification work related to greenhouse gas and energy target management system
  • Research on climate change and search for policy alternatives
  • Hosting seminar and conference related to climate environment and publication of research contents
  • Research and support project on renewable energy
  • Advised on climate change policy and established an industry-university-related network
  • Climate change status and development indicators of Gangwon area
  • Commissioned operation of new and renewable energy facilities
  • Collection, management and provision of domestic and overseas climate information materials
  • CDM Consulting
  • Conducting consigned research projects by the designating agencies and other organizations
  • Investment or operation of carbon fund