
Energy & Environment Research

Establish an energy plan and manage GHG emissions

Establishing the GHG inventories including sources of sinks and emissions and building a phased GHG reduction strategy by analyzing reduction potential through prediction of mid- and long-term GHG emission, and research on the establishment of a detailed implementation plan by sector.

Supporting to build an effective energy cycle system by exploring a way for waste-to-energy or energy harvesting technologies. Research on the strategic planning to support and build renewable energy for successful transition of fossil fuels in the climate change era and the ripple effect which the government’s energy policy affects industries.

Major areas of research

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    Develop the GHG inventory

    • Develop the method to calculate GHG emissions and investigate emission sources within a boundary by sector. Develop the mid- and long-term GHG emission scenario
    • Develop GHG emission scenario and predict the mid- and long-term GHG emissions by statistical approach Analyze GHG reduction potential
    • Develop the method to calculate GHG reduction amount by project and a reduction method. Establish local energy plans
    • Analyze the energy conditions in depth for local energy self-sufficiency and establish the comprehensive plan to achieve energy self-sufficiency
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    Research on the waste-to-energy

    • Research on the utilization of wasted or unused energy and promoting its demonstration projects.
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    Analyze the economic feasibility of renewable energy and support the policy making

    • Build the potential map to produce renewable energy, make Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS)-certified road map and establish the strategy to implement

Establishment of energy plan and GHG Inventory for Various Stakeholder

Because of the importance on energy and GHG management come to the force as a major issue, interests in and practice of central and local level energy and GHG policies have been spread. Changing of energy paradigm, secure the conative response, practical GHG management strategies shall be established.

For this, we aim to set energy targets and respond climate change by estimating energy demands and understanding the current energy situation to manage energy demands from enterprises, public institutions and local governments. We support researches to establish an action plan and a detailed objective to accomplish it. We are also making an effective road map and plan to reduce GHG, and preparing an implementation plan for the GHG and Energy Target Management System and the Emission Trading System through policies and consulting to respond these systems.

Major areas of research

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    Establish the basic energy strategic plan

    • Analyze on the current energy situation, and set vision and targets
    • Estimate the energy demands by sector and create a plan
    • Develop the detailed projects by sector and establish a management system
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    Estimate GHG/energy and assess their reduction potential

    • Estimate the energy demands and GHG emissions by sector, and analyze the reduction potential Consulting on the GHG and Energy Target Management System
    • Prepare the implementation plan, an implementation result report and a detailed list of the public sector and management firms
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    Consulting on the policies to operate the target management system and the emission trading system

    • Set targets, assessing implementation and develop the policies to operate and enhance the systems

Development of International GHG Policy for Aviation Sector

The International Civil Aviation Organization has proclaimed the CNG2020 (Carbon Neutral Growth from 2020) in the international aviation sector. Also, established an environmental target of 2% improvement in fuel efficiency every year until 2050. In order to reduce GHG emissions in the aviation sector, it is essential to review various measures for securing GHG reduction in the aviation sector in accordance with the domestic GHG emission trading system and the implementation of the carbon offset and reduction system in the international aviation sector.

We will carry out research to address the greenhouse gas reduction system of the aviation sector, such as the Carbon Offsetting Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), and establish a roadmap for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the use of bio-fuel.

Major areas of research

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    Respond to aviation sector greenhouse gas reduction system

    • Establish a roadmap for the implementation of the International Aviation Carbon Reduction System
    • Establishing mid- to long-term response measures to secure competitiveness in the aviation industry
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    Prepare aviation greenhouse gas reduction plan

    • Identify international and institutional trends in the aviation sector
    • Exploring greenhouse gas reduction projects in the aviation sector

Development and Dissemination of Policy on Energy Management

The government has declared the transition of the energy policy paradigm from the supply-oriented to the demand-oriented management and is making an effort to change the energy demand management policy trend from the existing government financial and regulatory center to the market.

We will support the commercialization of energy demand management issues from various stakeholders such as corporations, local governments, public institutions and individuals, and will examine the feasibility of establishing new and renewable energy facilities, establish management and management system, We also support the energy efficiency network in small group to develop the energy project and policy/scheme.

Education program

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    Discover energy demand management business and assess business feasibility

    • Energy efficiency and management project based on local data
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    Organization and operation of Energy efficiency network in small group

    • Establish and moderate Local energy efficiency network
    • Development and propose the policy/project for stakeholders

Management & Policy development of Air Pollutant Emission

Not only large emission source of air pollutant but also medium-small size emission source and area source needs the emission estimation and management skill. The Government efforts on the fine particulate matter reduction, therefore the management of major air pollutant (i.e., particulate matter, NOx, and SOx, etc.) is getting important to local Gov. and enterprises. We are supporting the policy and/or regime for air pollutant management and disseminations.

Major areas of research

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    Emission factor improvement for air pollutant

    • Emission factor improvement for emission source classification
    • Emission factor management and QA/QC plant
    • Use of Emission factor
    • Emission estimation without emission factor
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    Emission control technology review and applications

    • Planing small and medium size emission source management
    • Planing area emission source management

Development of Educational Program and Professional Lectures Training

As climate change occurs extensively in various fields, it is very hard for ordinary citizens to acquire expertise in each field. To facilitate understanding of climate change and practical responses to climate change, it is essential to provide information about climate change in an easy way to understand by developing education programs by level and training professional lecturers.

We develop and distribute customized education programs considering local characteristics for program diversification according to education demands and run a phased training program for professional lecturers on climate change to promote customized education for each education target.

Major areas of research

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    Provide Training Program for Lecturers on Climate Change

    • Preliminary, intermediate and advanced courses for lecturers on climate change
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    Provide Workshops for Lecturers on Climate Change

    • Workshops for lecturers on climate change
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    Develop Programs and Teaching Aids

    • Developing the programs and teaching aids by subject

Operation of Climate Change Education Center

Preparation of methods to address climate change is not only a global issue but a very important challenge to directly related to human survival. Therefore, it is important for all of us to participate in responding to climate change. Full understanding of our environments through various education and experience programs is very basic and essential to solve the great challenge of our era, a climate change issue.

For further understanding of response to climate change, we run experience-centered field visit programs for elementary, middle and high school students, experience-based education linked with local festivals and climate change education programs for citizens, public officials and military soldiers to provide education opportunities to people from all walks of life.

We also provide systematic and interesting education programs by climate change sector such as ecology, renewable energy, carbon footprint, ect. to help participants accustom themselves to eco-friendly value and green lifestyles. We provide education programs about climate change and energy sectors to companies, societies, local governments, public organization, etc.

Education program

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    Field visit climate change education

    • Green Earth School
    • Earth Stewardship Class
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    Provide experience programs linked with local festivals

    • Run education programs during local festivals
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    Provide practical education of climate change policies

    • Education for public officials and company people
    • Workshops on policies to respond climate change
    • Workshops for public officials
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    Provide training programs for Green Leaders

    • Preliminary, intermediate and advanced courses for green leaders
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    Provide education about energy and renewable energy

    • Basic education about energy and renewable energy
    • Run training programs entrusted to outside organizations