
Climate Change Policy

Development of climate change adaptation plan

IPCC predicts that climate change continues to influence for the next 1,000 years due to greenhouse gas (GHG). To efficiently address the effects of climate change, a climate change adaptation plan is needed. In case we don’t prepare for climate change in advance, irreversible loss of lives and astronomical economic damages can be occurred. We have expertise in planning for adaptation to climate change by establishing measures to adapt to climate change for many local governments including Gangwon-state and public institutions. We have maintained the expertise by preparing policy briefs to continuously adapt to climate change and conducting policy research on climate change adaptation issues in Gangwon-state. Our main role is to analyze local status of climate change and its mid- and long-term prospects and forecast the impact of climate change to local community and public facilities in order to establish a climate change adaptation plan. We also propose a road map for a climate change adaptation plan by conducting customized risk assessment and vulnerability assessment of local climate change.

We provide policies to minimize damages caused by the current social issues such as fine dust, flood, drought, heat waves, etc. due to recent climate change. We conduct research on a detailed implementation plan to adapt to climate change for metropolitan and local governments.

We research programs and welfare policies to protect vulnerable classes who are expected to get most damaged by climate change. And we discover new growth industries for local communities to turn climate change crisis into opportunities.

Major areas of research

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    Establish a climate change adaptation plan for local communities and public facilities

    • Establish a detailed implementation plan to adapt to climate change for metropolitan and local governments
    • Establish measure to minimize damages of public facilities caused by climate change
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    Customized risk and vulnerability assessment of climate change

    • Research on methodologies to assess vulnerability of climate change considering local natural, economic and social features
    • Research on preferential risks through local basic researchs and awareness surveys
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    Analyze local mid- and long-term effects of climate change

    • Propose local status and prospects of climate change
    • Analyze serial influences of climate change to complex social structure
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    Research on policies to protect social classes vulnerable to climate change

    • Prepare programs and policies to protect social classes vulnerable to climate change
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    Discover new driving forces for growth considering climate change

    • Discover and support new driving forces for growth to revitalize local economy by analyzing opportunity factors created by climate change

Research on Water Resources and Disasters

Total annual precipitation due to climate change increases. Through analysis and predicts of its influence, we conduct research on the foundation of risk and vulnerability assessment to give a preemptive response to disaster and water management.

We establish a safe plan to prevent disasters in a calamity danger district and an appropriate plan to control water by predicting the scale of flood risk. We also establish the mid- and long-term plan to prepare for drought through basic researchs on water resources and calculation of water resources reserve during dry season.

Major areas of research

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    Water management to prepare for climate change / Research on disasters and calamities

      Research on the foundation of risk and vulnerability assessment by RCP scenario;
      Predict the volume of water in rivers according to climate change scenario;
      Research on methods to secure irrigation by calculating water resources reserve and managing surface water;
      Basic research on water resources and environments;
      Establish safe management measures for facilities vulnerable to disaster risk;
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    Prepare for sea level rise and its impact on coastal areas

      Research on coastal erosion;
      Analyze the reliability of coastal structures according to a rise in sea level.
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    Research on methods to secure irrigation by researching alternative water resources

      Research on methods to secure water resources by harvesting and purifying rainwater;
      Develop alternative water resources such as wastewater reclamation and reuse systems, green dams, underground dams, deep sea water, etc.

Development of International Cooperation for Climate Change Response

To respond globally challenging climate change, international cooperation is essential. The climate change response plays an important role in accomplishing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). International cooperation to respond climate change can be achieved in several ways among various parties interested.

Analyzing the various conditions, making the strategies and developing the policies to internationally respond climate change have been carried.

Major areas of research

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    Promote the projects to respond climate change in developing countries by using official development assistance (ODA)

    • Develop the demands of recipient countries and finding the ways to provide a supply accordingly
    • Promote the projects to respond climate change in developing countries by using ODA
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    Promote the public-private cooperation to respond climate change in developing countries

    • Develop the public-private cooperation models in various ways
    • Develop the CSV (Creating Shared Values) strategy and promote its projects
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    Establish the climate change response strategy through cooperation with international organizations such as GCF

    • Develop the international cooperation projects through GDF Readiness Programme
    • Develop the demands for climate change response projects in developing countries by using resources of Multilateral Development Bank
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    Promote the international cooperation for climate change response by sector

    • Develop the demands for international cooperation projects to respond climate change by sector
    • Promote the demonstration projects with optimal climate technology applied to each sector
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    Develop the international cooperation on climate change to implement SDGs

    • Research on the ways to link and integrate technology mechanism and financial mechanism
    • Discover the exemplary cases and preparing the way to expand projects