
International Cooperation

Feasibility study and project development on developing countries’ environment and energy cooperation in response to climate change convention

Effective response to climate change requires North-South or South-South cooperation under the Common But Differentiated Responsibilities (CBDR). Korea has volunteered to serve as a bridge between developed and developing countries in terms of responding to international climate change agreements. International cooperation studies and projects in the environmental and energy sectors are needed to fulfill these roles properly. Therefore, we will develop feasibility study and related project of environmental/energy international cooperation project to deal with climate change convention.

International cooperative project development on energy efficiency/renewable energy/GHG reduction

Monitor the international community's energy efficiency/renewable energy/greenhouse gas reduction policies and trends and identify new promising businesses based on market changes. It supports the development of the project as the next generation core growth business of related Korean companies by drawing out the optimal financing structure of the international cooperation project in the field of energy efficiency/renewable energy/greenhouse gas reduction and presenting the roadmap of project implementation.