
[ENG version] KETS INSIGHT(ETS & Carbon Market Newsletter) 2019 #1

작성자 : 관리자 작성일 : 2019-05-21 조회수 : 1,031
첨부파일 첨부파일 : (Korea) KETS INSIGHT_#1_KRIC.pdf (5 MB)

KETS INSIGHT (ETS & Carbon Market Newsletter) 2019 #1 Published


□ Demand for Carbon Market & ETS information, News is increasing.

□ KETS INSIGHT is published once a month in order to solve information asymmetry problems of small and medium-sized companies,
     which are vulnerable to the system through providing information by the INSIGHT.

□ 2019 #1 Main Contents 

 ○ KETS Status

 ○ KOP Status


□ Q & A : kyuuklee@kric.re.kr 


※ This ‘ETS INSIGHT’ is produced by KRIC entrusted by KECO for the purpose of providing information for activation of "K-ETS & Korea Carbon Market".

※ This ‘ETS INSIGHT’ can not be used for any purpose other than reference, and the issuing organization is not liable for the failure to comply with the regulations.