
美. 일리노이주 주립대와의 연구협력 MOU 체결

작성자 : 관리자 작성일 : 2010-05-06 조회수 : 3,063
첨부파일 첨부파일 :

(재)한국기후변화대응연구센터와 미국 일리노이 대학 Urbana-Champaign 캠퍼스에 있는 지구사회환경학의 대기과학부를 대신하여 대학 이사회는 전지구적 이슈인 지구온난화로 인한 기후변화와 관련하여 양측의 기후변화 공동 대응노력을 위한 상호발전의 중요성을 인식하고 신뢰를 바탕으로 교류협력과 우호관계를 증진시키리라는 점을 확신하며 2010.4.26 MOU를 체결하였습니다.

□ MOU 주요 내용  

1.The purpose of this MOU is to create opportunities and cooperate for mutual development by sharing information, technology and experience. This MOU is not intended to create any legally binding obligations on either institution but, rather, is intended to facilitate discussions regarding general areas of cooperation.

2. Both parties will endeavor to promote cooperation in the fight against climate change through activitiessuch as monitoring to prove climate change scientifically, technology and monitoring for climate change mitigation and reduction, impacts of climate change, vulnerability analysis, climate change adaptation, green energy industry technology, new and renewable energy technology and human resource exchange.

3. Both parties agree to promote their partnership actively, through information sharing and joint research for cooperation in the fight against climate change.

4. Both parties encourage participation of each other's delegations and appropriate persons when hosting international events on climate change by giving advance notice.

5. Both partiesagree to hold an annual working-level meeting for productive cooperation.

6. Both parties agree that specific activities and programs implemented under authority of this MOU shall be subject to availability of funds and the approval of each institution's authorized representatives. Prior to initiating any specific activity or program, the parties will negotiate and enter into a separate agreement, signed by each party's authorized signatory, describing the terms of the arrangement, including the budgets.